Here is an example of using the External Tools Configuration in Eclipse to generate the JNI header file under WindowXP.
1) Choose External Tools Configuration in the tool bar:
2) Under the Main tab of a new configuration, setup the following parameters:
Location: [location of javah.exe (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14\bin\javah.exe)]
Working Directory: [project directory (e.g. ${workspace_loc:/camera})]
-classpath .;[directory of the .class file (e.g. ${workspace_loc:/camera}/bin)]
-o [output file name (e.g. ${workspace_loc:/camera}/pointgrey_trigger/pointgrey_trigger/firefly_driver_jni.h)] [java file with the native methods declaration (e.g.]
Note that in *nix OS, the classpaths are concatenated using ":".
Plz Example with GUI