Tuesday 26 April 2011

CSS good practices

Found two interesting slides about good CSS practices from Nicole Sullivan. Here are some points about examining our best practices myths rationally that I think are really nice:
Myths Rational Rethink
Don't add any extra elements Add non-semantic elements judiciously
Use descendant selectors exclusivelyKeep specificity as low as possible
Use specificity to define your architecture
Don't add classes (Classitis)Abstract repeating visual patterns into class

A video of her presentation on this topic at WebStock.

Two main principles of object oriented CSS:
1. Separate structure and skin
2. Separate container and content: break the dependency between the container module (contour blocks, background blocks) and the content objects (headings, paragraphs, lists, headers, footers, buttons, etc) it contains.

Best practices:
1. Build HTML from component library
2. Extend objects by applying multiple classes to an element
3. Use classes for style. Save ids for JavaScript
4. Be flexible: extensible height and width -> Grids control width; content control height
Nicole Sullivan's original blog post.

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