Tuesday 4 October 2011

Desktop Recorder for Ubuntu and Conversion

A good desktop recording software for Ubuntu is gtk-recordMyDesktop. Installation and usage instructions can be found here. To select a portion of the desktop to record, click Select Window button. Next click the mouse, hold and drag to select the portion in the preview window (note you don't do this on the actual desktop). It may be easier to instead right-click on the red circle in the system tray and click Select Area On Screen. In this way, you can select the portion actually on the desktop.

The video produced is in .ogv format. To convert the video format, you can use mencoder. You can install it using the command:
$ sudo apt-get install mencoder
To convert the recorded out.ogv file to recorded.avi of AVI format, you can use the following command:
$ mencoder out.ogv -o recorded.avi -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc
-ovc sets the video encoder. lavc refers to libavcodec.


  1. "You convert the video format, you can use mencoder."

    The most interesting part left uncovered ;)

  2. I updated the post with an example of how to use memcoder.
