Monday 21 March 2011

Ruby: block

Blocks can be closures
In computer science, a closure is a first-class function with free variables that are bound in the lexical environment. Blocks are closures, which means variables in the surrounding scope that are referenced in a block remain accessible for the life of that block and the life of and Proc object created from that block.

def n_times(thing)
  lambda {|n| thing * n}

p1 = n_times(23) # => 69 # => 92

Compare with Python closures:
def generate_power_func(n):
  def nth_power(x): 
    return x**n
  return nth_power

raised_to_4 = generate_power_func(4)
Blocks can be objects
Block can be converted to an object of class Proc. There are several ways where blocks are converted to objects.
  • If the last parameter in a method definition is prefixed with an ampersand (such as &action), Ruby looks for a code block whenever that method is called. 
  • Use lambda or its alternative -> form. For example:
    bo = lambda { |param| puts "You called me with #{param}" } 99 "cat"
    # produces:
    # You called me with 99
    # You called me with cat
    lam = ->(p1, p2) { p1 + p2 }, 3) # => 7
    Compare this with the "bound function operator" in CoffeeScript:
    callback = (message) => @voicement.push message
  • Use

  • The call method on a proc object invokes the code in the original block.

The Symbol.to_proc trick
Ruby implements the to_proc for objects of class symbol.
names = %w{ant bee cat}
result = {|name| name.upcase}
result = {&:upcase}
The last line means: apply the upcase method to each element of names. This works by relying on Ruby's type coercion. When you say, you're telling Ruby to pass the Proc object in xxx to the map method as a block. If xxx isn't already a Proc object, Ruby tries to coerce it into one by sending it a to_proc message. If it was written Ruby, it would look something like this:
def to_proc
  proc { |obj, *args| obj.send(self, *args) } # same as lambda
It's an incredibly elegant use of coercion and of closures. However, the use of dynamic method invocations mean that the version of code that uses &:upcase is about half as fast as the more explicitly coded block. This doesn't matter so much unless in the performance-critical section of your code.

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