Monday, 23 December 2013

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve

ROC curve is a plot of true positive rate (true positive / total actual positive) vs. false positive rate (false positive / total actual negative, FP / (TN + FP) ). It shows the performance of a classifier as a trade off between selectivity (specificity, true negative rate TN / (TN + FP)) and sensitivity (recall rate, true positive rate).

false positive rate = 1 - true negative rate

Choosing the operating point

alpha = cost of false positive 
beta = cost of missing a positive (false negative)
p = proportion of positive cases

The average expected cost of classification at point x, y in the ROC space is 
C = (1-p) alpha x + p beta (1-y)

The error rate can be obtained by setting the misclassification costs equal to each other and unity. So
error rate = (1 - p) x + p (1 - y)

This equation means that points on the ROC space with equal error rate are straight lines. 

EER - euqal error rate is at the point where false positive rate = false negative rate.


Sunday, 15 December 2013

Sydney trip

Money matters

  • Withdrawal from a Westpac ATM (BoA affiliated) has a foreign transaction fee of 3%. There is no additional ATM withdrawal fee.
  • Use credit cards with no foreign transaction fees as often as possible.