Thursday, 3 January 2013

How to eat dinner

I woke up around 2am today because of hunger, because I only ate a box of cherry tomatoes for dinner.  Then I impulsively finished one bag of pistachios again. This is really bad for losing weight. I realized that sometimes self control is really hard. So why work against the will? If I eat a healthier dinner, I won't have the urge to eat later.

1. Eat dinner 3 hours before going to bed. I'm planning to sleep around 11pm, so I should eat dinner before 8pm.

2. Can do some light exercise before sleeping.

3. If you want to lose some weight, only eat until 50% full for dinner. This means you don't feel hungry anymore, but still want to eat something. You may feel a bit hungry before sleeping. Normally can eat until 70% full. This means your stomach is not bulging and your appetite is reduced. Maybe you can eat a little bit more, but if the food is taken away, you won't regret.

4. If I do exercise at night (like karate), I don't need to ration on food for dinner. But I should eat dinner around 5pm if I do karate at 7pm.

5. Some dinner recipes:

    1 蛋羹操作简单,味道、口感丰富,各种维生素和钙的供应较为充足。吃略有咸味的低能量牛奶蛋羹可以带来正餐的感觉。完全没有咸味时,很多人会觉得食欲不满足。
    2 可以把酸奶先从冰箱中拿出来暖着;先吃一碗热的蛋羹,过一会儿再吃酸奶和水果,胃里会比较舒服。
减肥晚餐3. 凉拌海芽菜+酱牛肉+大拌菜+燕麦大米粥

6. Drink a cup of soy milk before sleeping to prevent hunger.
