Monday, 14 November 2011

Installation guide for several ruby gems

In order to install the typhoeus gem, you need to have the curl library installed. You can do this by:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

linecache19 requires vm_core.h which needs to be included when installing ruby-debug19
sudo gem install ruby-debug19 -- --with-ruby-include=/src_file_paht_with_vm_core.h

Friday, 11 November 2011

Git remote related commands

Changing a remote's URL
git remote set-url example git:// will set the URL of the remote named “example” to git://

Tracking remote branch
Tracking when creating a new branch:
The full syntax is:
$ git checkout -track -b [local branch] [remote]/[tracked branch]
Simpler version is:
$ git checkout -t origin/branch
Setting up tracking for an existing branch:
$ git branch --set-upstream branch upstream/branch
Setting upstream when push
$ git push -u [remote] [branch]

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Show table of contents in Mendeley

If you want to view the table of contents of pdfs in Mendeley, you can start the application with the following option:
mendeleydesktop --pdf-toc
To make a shortcut in your launcher in Ubuntu 11.10, you can open the Main Menu application and add a new item with the command to start Mendeley. Note that if Main Menu does not respond after clicking the buttons, it is possible that the gnome-desktop-item-edit binary is missing. You can confirm this by running alacarte from the terminal and see if there are any errors. To install gnome-desktop-item-edit, you can run the following command:
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends gnome-panel

You can find the icon for Mendeley in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/. Choose the appropriate resolution you want for the icon. I used 48x48.

Friday, 4 November 2011

OpenNI updates

Recently I updated the OpenNI library to version in the unstable branch, but playing from recorded files doesn't work after that. Then I switch back to  the latest version ( in the master branch which works for playing recorded files.

The OpenNI developers are not very responsive to pull requests. In particular, the bug that I mentioned in the earlier post that is related to the wrong use of memcpy has not been fixed. So I forked the project and added the fix. I also added a method copyToBuffer to wrapper/ so that we only need to allocate the buffer for the depth or image map once.